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What Is Pbr?

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I decided to see what is beyond point / spot light based lighting and rendering... At least, I have been doing the light matching by using multiple lights for a while...

So after exploring HDRI (I know I am a little bit late)... I decided to focus on rendering, at least for a while... I did a search on PBR and I could not find anything... maybe something was wrong with the forum's search engine.

So there is the Micropolygon Rendering... There is also that PBR (Physical Based Rendering) thing... So what are these briefly? You can render an HDRI based setup with either Micropolygon or PBR as far as I know. And what about the photons... are they only for PBR? We also have that GI, irradiance thing and the light bleeding... ?? The "G.i. Workflow In Mantra" at http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showtopic=6426 post seems to be a very good one...

Sorry for asking this stupid question... But this happens all the time... I have been dealing with DOPs, SOPs, point attributes etc. for a while... suddenly one mourning I wake up and remember that sometimes you have to render things... and then I get confused...

Thanks for your help. Cheers.

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although the different types of rendering and lighting are probably a generic thing and not specific to houdini, i would really like to see a page in the help outlining the different types of renders and lighting. the pros and cons of each, and some sample settings. it wouldnt need to be complex or particularly technical.

i bet you and i are not the only ones in the dark (excuse the dreadful pun) :)

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