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Two Questions...

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1. Is there a way to search for a SOP on a specific geometry in the network editor? (I moved a point, and now want to delete the geometry the point is linked to, and get weird errors if I try. I want to find out where I moved the point. Which leads to my next question...)

2. My network is a disaster (much like my desk). Can I export the final node as an OBJ or BGEO, and then import it into a new file and continue working on it?

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I remember seeing somewhere how to search for nodes but can't remember how right off the top of my head.

You can save out a geo by right clicking on the node and choose Save Geometry. Then use a File node to bring it back in. This not only cleans up the network but often makes it much quicker as well since it is not having to cook all the nodes.

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You answered the more important question of the two, thank you :)

I decided to jump from modeling toy mice and spoons, to modeling a human being. It's a little different :blink:

1. You can of course export a geometry and reimport a file, but probably more convenient way to put things in order is to use subnetwork (Shift+C) or netboxes (Ctrl+n). You can also keep things like a body's parts in a separated Geometries Objects and import them as needed one to another with Object Merge SOP. Saving your geo to disk leaves you without construction history, what is rather sad in Houdini world ;)

2. Operator search engine is accessible on a top- right side of Network View (magnifying glass icon).



Edited by SYmek
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