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Hi Guys,

I stumbled accross the vex gi light shader and have to say it produces extremely fast occlusion and with a bit of extra work could be a great part of a light rig. Out of interest is it possible to construct this shader in vops as it stands ?


Edited by rob
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Hi Guys,

I stumbled accross the vex gi light shader and have to say it produces extremely fast occlusion and with a bit of extra work could be a great part of a light rig. Out of interest is it possible to construct this shader in vops as it stands ?


GI light shader consists mainly with one VEX function call (in respect to AO), which is "occlusion()", nothing else really happens there (except we operate in light space which means we need to manage spaces).

You can build the same shader in VOP or even write better one (supporting point clouds, bend normals etc) in VEX.

Edited by SYmek
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