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hi, I was checking an example file of deepshadow.

But I can't figure out where the setting of linking of deepshadow between light and vex shadow shader.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can't check your file now, but:

1. In Houdini 9 Light Object is a HDA, which has a shadow and light shader already applied.

2. If, for some reason, you'd like to use your own shaders (or those from SHOPs) you can:

- use Light Template object which has both light and shadow shaders parameters already on place or

- add these parameter by yourself into Light Object (Gear Icon of your light tab -> Edit Rendering Parameters). You need these two: "shop_lightpath" and "shop_shadowpath".

hope this helps,


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hi SYmek. thank you for your reply.

I did not know that Light Template object has both light and shadow parameters already on place.

that's why I could not find the setting in the viewer.

but where are all those hidden setting? is that inside of the point_light node(pointlight.bgeo) in the light_Template node?

if it is so, where can I find the actual pointlight.bgeo file ?



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