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Problem with a Concrete rocky shader


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Hello Guys,

I have been playing around with the default concrete shader but the results are not convincing plus when I pull displacement more it give me artifact.Here is a reference what I want to achieve.I like the results in the displacement challenge in one of the images rendered by Jason but cannot figure out how to get a such a results I always get artifacts even when I use the property with displacement and Dicing controls in the geometry plan.I will be thankful for any help on this.


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when I pull displacement more it give me artifact.Here is a reference what I want to achieve.

What kind of artifacts do you mean? Can you post some images of what you rendered so far?

actually it's more efficient to do the "bulk" displacement of the block to the actual geometry using a point sop with some noise functions or with a vop sop. then use the displacement shader to add the small details. This can make the rendering a lot more faster because if you displace the surface too much you have to setup the displacement bounds to match (which is automatically taken care of in the concrete shader), and large displacement bounds tend to slow down the rendering and consume a lot of memory.

Hope this helps,


Edited by ihab
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