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Displacement-Maps vs Normal-Maps

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This is something that is no clear to me. Is there any reason I would prefer to use a normal map instead of displacement and bump maps in an offline rendering?

I understand the benefits of normal-maps over bump-maps in real-time rendering, but I guess displacement maps will give better results, right?

I guess it sounds a bit of a silly question, but I see many tutorials and articles which describe the use of normal maps in offline rendering, and I don't understand why.

I guess it is faster, but if someone here has some experience with this stuff I'll be glad to hear.


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I know the technical details. Im asking more about practice. When I come to render a model in Houdini, I can either use disp maps, or normal maps. Whats practically gives better results, is there any advantage to normal mapping?

Maybe its a question with no correct answer, or maybe I do not ask it properly. I'm just trying to figure out a good workflow.

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Personally, unless there are some other mitigating factors, displacement maps are the way to go - it's the only way to legitimately shade the surface as if it actually has the additional detail. Otherwise, the silhouette and the shadows are unaffected and the illusion isn't as effective.

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Personally, unless there are some other mitigating factors, displacement maps are the way to go - it's the only way to legitimately shade the surface as if it actually has the additional detail. Otherwise, the silhouette and the shadows are unaffected and the illusion isn't as effective.

There is no reason why normal maps can't affect displacement... they don't have to be bump.

If you have a half-decent renderer (like Mantra, PRMan, etc), displace away:)

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