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shader : make the edge soft?

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Hi, All

I am trying to make a snow kind of shader which have soft edge.

When I apply the shader to cube or octagon or something else, I dont want to see the strong edge line, I want to make the edge soft.

Any suggestion or is there any good snow shader??



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I don't know about you but all the snow banks I see up here in Toronto have hard edges. :)


I should've said I want an effect that kind of out of focus? so it gets blur or soft edge..?

But I want to use that as a shader. which makes the object to be rendered with soft edge..



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I was just kidding you which was what the smiley was for. :) Ok, seriously, the last thing you want is rendering advice from me but what about a variation of the xray-type shader driving the opacity? eg. Edge FallOff VOP wired into Of.

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In the Mantra ROP Output Driver you can change the pixel filter to soften up the rendered objects.

The default is gaussian 2 2. You can change the filter widths in both X and Y higher. gaussian 12 12 gives you quite a soft blurry look.

This will apply to the entire plate so if you want some objects soft you will have to render them with separate passes and composite them together. This will also soften any texture maps on the geometry...

Another approach is to render out the objects in separate passes then in the compositor blur the edges only with the Edge Blur COP.

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