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Copy stamp

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Hi guys.

I know this is probably very simple but i cant get each butterfly to get a different randomized angle of the wings per copy basis.

After i have created the wing i use a transform and use cos to animate a flapping motion at a certain angle, i then mirror this to get the top wings, i do the same to get the bottom wings referencing the animation of the top wings. When i copy it to the particles and try to randomize each different set of wings i only get a randomized angle of the wings but its the same for each copy. They all flap at the same angle.

Hope this makes sense and i am sure it is really obvious but please shed the light.

Can anyone help please.

thank you..


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You can just stamp the copy number, e.g.

variable "copynr", value "$PT".

Then in your flapping animation it would be something like

cos( $FF * 100 + rand( stamp( "../copy1" , "copynr", 0 ) ) )

(offsetting the angle with a random value seeded with the copy number)


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