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Export, Import question


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Hi there, you can select on a node, and then hit g or h key to home it. Is this what you're looking for? If it is, you might want to build into a habit of using spacebar+g or spacebar+h.

You can RMB (right mouse button) on any node and then choose the save geometry option. if you only want a section of the geometry to be saved out, you'll have to use Delete or Blast SOP (node) to delete part of the geometry away and then save the geometry out that way. Alternatively, you might want to check out the Group SOP in there. Grouping in Houdini is a little different than that of Maya's. In the Output Network (aka ROP), there is Geometry ROP which you can use that to save out a sequence of geometry as well like you would with images. :)


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also a little gem I discovered a few weeks ago...

spacebar + z

will change the viewport pivot to around whatever your mouse is over...awesome when you have a big weird chunk of geometry but want to tumble around a specific area...I use this 200+ times a day.

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Aww, that really helps, I am also having a problem with the default perspective views, Near and Far clipping planes.

To adjust this in Maya, I usually select the camera and adjust the specific attribute, Is there an option in Houdini to access the perspectives cameras Near and Far planes??

Edited by Angelo
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