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Can you command line render in Houdini??


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I am on a windows machine and usually when rendering in Maya, I use the command line. I am eagerly making my integration into Houdini, and was wondering if there was anything similar to Maya's render command??

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I am on a windows machine and usually when rendering in Maya, I use the command line. I am eagerly making my integration into Houdini, and was wondering if there was anything similar to Maya's render command??

Yes, look at "hrender".

%> hrender -h


Single frame:   hrender	[options] driver|cop file.hip [imagefile]
Frame range:	hrender -e [options] driver|cop file.hip

driver|cop:	 -c /img/imgnet
				-c /img/imgnet/cop_name
				-d output_driver

options:		-w pixels	   Output width
				-h pixels	   Output height
				-f frame		Single frame
				-b fraction	 Image processing fraction (0.01 to 1.0)
				-o output	   Output name specification
				-v			  Run in verbose mode
				-R			  Use non-graphics license token

with "-e":	  -f start end	Frame range start and end
				-i increment	Frame increment

Notes:  1)  For output name use $F to specify frame number (e.g. -o $F.pic).
		2)  If only one of width (-w) or height (-h) is specified, aspect ratio
			will be maintained based upon aspect ratio of output driver.

For more advanced needs, you can also pipe any commands into hbatch or run hython and execute ROPs.

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