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Ray labels with VEX.


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For those of you who are fimilar with PRMan's ray labels you might want to check out this thread.


Its a poor man's version of how I think PRMan's ray labels work. Its a hack but it works and I provided a simple example. :ph34r: If you have any questions or flames let send 'em my way.


Pizza is calling me.... :P

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Not sure...but what if....

surface sss (

blabla = 0.8;

balbal = 0.2;

WhoAmI = "SSSObject1"; //object name






if (getraylevel() != 0 && getobjectname() == WhoAmI)

// secondary ray caused by irradiance call from THIS object





Cf = ambient + diffuse ; // simple BRDF...



// primary ray or secondary ray from unknown object (reflection,refraction...)






Cf = ambient + diffuse + specular + irradiance(P, -N); //



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It was hard to understand the sense

of the getobjectname function at 1 A.M. :ph34r::blink:

But it looks like irradiance(....."scope", getobjectname()) works properly. :D

It would be cool if there was

string getobjectname(int RayLevel) function in Houdini 6.5 :unsure:

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Yeah, we did - twice. You can get pretty far but we ran into accuracy and aliasing issues when we tried to treat the i3d as a photon map type of concept - and had to cope with deforming objects. You can get pretty good results on rigid objects, though. We didn't have time to finish it off before another project came in and took us away. It was a very interesting and fun exercise.

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