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Cutter Question


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Hey guys,

I know its not the cutter support forum but m sure many of the Renderman geeks must be using it. I have setup renderman when i try to render a simple single frame rib doc generated thro cutter it shows render complete but no window pops up to show me rendered image?I check my lib and shader paths are correct ,am i suppose to change any environment variables in windows which i have no idea how to do please help. thanks

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Hey guys,

I know its not the cutter support forum but m sure many of the Renderman geeks must be using it. I have setup renderman when i try to render a simple single frame rib doc generated thro cutter it shows render complete but no window pops up to show me rendered image?I check my lib and shader paths are correct ,am i suppose to change any environment variables in windows which i have no idea how to do please help. thanks

Hey Zasid, which renderer are you using?

I am pretty sure Cutter uses Pixar's "it" as it's default display device, so you may need to edit this out in the generated RIB before rendering. (unless you have "it")

Display "test" "it" "rgb"

Generally, each render will come with a few display devices, so check your docs if you're unsure how to use them. 3Delight's default is "i-display" for example.

It may be a paths problem though. Make sure your renderer and display device are added to your PATH environment variable.


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Hey Alan,

Thanks I will have a look tonight. I am using render man. Can you tell me what I need to set in the Path environment variable and where to do that. Its may be this one that u get under mycomputer->properties->Advance->Env Variables . Where I go there I see RMANTREE and Some other RMAN Variable but I cannot find the RMAN.exe can you tell me how can I set up one for that.

Manyt thanks


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Hey Alan,

Thanks I will have a look tonight. I am using render man. Can you tell me what I need to set in the Path environment variable and where to do that. Its may be this one that u get under mycomputer->properties->Advance->Env Variables . Where I go there I see RMANTREE and Some other RMAN Variable but I cannot find the RMAN.exe can you tell me how can I set up one for that.

Manyt thanks


__________ [2] 1.37:44AM __________

3DL ERROR P1029: cannot find display driver 'it'

# Rendering C:\Cutter\test.rib ...


Errors: 1

--------------------SAMPLE CODE--------------------

Display "untitled" "it" "rgb"

Format 427 240 1

Projection "perspective" "fov" 20

ShadingRate 1

it doesn't seems to work .

Edited by zasid
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