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image planes

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Hi All,

Trying to build a tool which involves having a text object in the viewport.

Is it possible to get that object show up in its own image plane and have no affect at all on the default `C` plane?

I've made a shader that sends a constant to an image plane, works great.

But no matter what i do there is still some kind of output in `C`

any ideas?

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Bundles . make a bundle with your letter in

Render ROP :- look at the tab > objects , force objects / force lights , yes thats right delete the * which means all objects , and select you bundle , then the rop will render just that bundle


Edited by rob
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Thanks Rob, don't think i've explained myself enough...

i want all the objects in my scene to render normally...

except a specific (text) object must render only in a seperate image plane and not affect the normal `C` or beauty pass.....

problem is that no matter what tweaks i do in vops with alpha/opacity it'll still have some affect, like be in the alpha channel.

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except a specific (text) object must render only in a seperate image plane and not affect the normal `C` or beauty pass.....

If by text you mean texture , why don't you just render an id pass and just fix it in comp.

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Seems to be working fine for me? An oddity I noticed is that if I send [0,0,0] to Cf in the shader, it doesn't output anything to the "text" channel, but setting it to [0, 0, 1e-09] does. It seems that there needs to be some colour contribution for the second image planes to render, even if it's negligble. Hopefully the 0.000000001 shouldn't drastically effect your "C" channel. ;)

Render from the ROP to see it working, then switch between "C" and "text" in mplay.


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