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Modelling a desert


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I don't know exactly what kind of. I want a relative big desert because it is the area for an animation. Just some dunes and a whole lot of sand ;)

I need only some dunes. At then their will be some wind that will whirl up the sand at the top of the dunes.

And I was not able to create that kind of desert with the fractal sop. But maybe you can give me your parameters so I kind see how your desert looks. Please only give me the parameters because I am using Houdini 4.0.


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I don't have a file handy, but to create dunes on the background I just selected the part of the grid which was the farthest from me, grouped it and put

fractal on it. I remember that I just cranked all the values down and it did it. For a dune you might also try Softpeak SOP.


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Okay, I made my desert using a point SOP.

Maybe now someone could give me a hint how to make a realistic wind. So that the sand is whirled up at the top of a dune or twisted like a little tornado or something in that way.

I think one way is to make a grid with many rows and cols but I don't know how to get only the points that are on top of a dune. Or am I thinking wrong of how the wind could look like?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would use the pop section for the wind! having never used Houdini 4 i don't know if this will help (why not down load version 6), in the sop level select primitives at the top of the dunes and group them using a group sop. make the group something like topOfDune then in POP lay down a source get use the group to birth the particles from and make them birth randomly from the surface (of the group). now that you have the particles bithing from the right place you can use the snow man tutorial to make the tubulance and stuff.

hope this helps bren.

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