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custom function array declaration problems

Magnus Pettersson

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Im very beginner at scripting inside of houdini but i must do something completly wrong! And i think im a little confused to what scripting language is active in diffrent places.

I want to make a custom function that checks if the a number (like for example $F) is equal to an array. The reason is that i just want to write "2, 20, 24, 45" and so on in a variable thats linked up for activation of particle emission instead of having to do write $FF == 2 || $FF == 20 || $FF == 24 ... and so on wich is tedious and take longer to edit when i have to make changes.

I write this code at exressions tab in "edit -> aliases and variables":

float matchNum(float numOne, float array numTwo) {
	  foreach (i; numTwo) {
		   if ( numOne == numTwo[i] ) return 1;
return 0;

First question, why do i get error when i try to declare my array in the function as float numTwo[] when i press "apply changes" ?

Second how do i call this function? i tried texport and writing

echo `matchNum(1,float(array(1,2,3)))` ... i tried alot of diffrent ways to write my array but i just get errors.

Third, maybe im on the completley wrong track of solving the initial problem of wanting to write just the frame numbers i want emission activated?

Thanks for your help and sorry if i overlooked some post here or some simple thing thats in the help.

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