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A stupid quation about houdini vs maya !!!

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Yes, yes I know. My question is stupid but there is no rule in this forum that: PLEASE DO NOT ASK STUPID QUESTIONS.

Here is my crazy quesion: Could houdini do everything maya does?

I mean, sculpting, paint, nParticles, nCloth, fast fur, very good renderman integration, nice python API, ....


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Yes, yes I know. My question is stupid but there is no rule in this forum that: PLEASE DO NOT ASK STUPID QUESTIONS.

Here is my crazy quesion: Could houdini do everything maya does?

I mean, sculpting, paint, nParticles, nCloth, fast fur, very good renderman integration, nice python API, ....


Most of it yes, some of it might take longer initially though. If you turn the question around and ask if Maya can do anything Houdini can do I would say no. Especially when it comes to vops and dops.

You should stop seeing software as a collection of features, but instead regard them as platforms to develop your own tools. In Maya you generally end up writing mel/python or expressions anyway when you want to automate things/do more advanced things. Through vops, microsolvers in dops and just general sop functionality you can implement "the latest siggraph feature" yourself, easier.

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