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Tricky issue using 2 or more UV layers with shader that has transparen


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I'm trying to use a transparency map over a gradient so the gradient is one continuous shader that spans the entire object, basically a decal then over that I want to have a second UV layer that contains a tiled transparency maps that will give the appearance of little circles that have clear space in between... I've been working on this houdini file for a while but can't seem to figure it out... I have the shader SOP within the vex network that is providing the transparency map set to UV layer 2 and have mapped the text object with 2 layers but still its showing the circles as having black space around them rather than transparency.

I'd greatly appreciate if someone more knowledgeable can take a look and point out my mistake.

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The two texture maps are missing.

I took a quick peek inside your shader, and you only seem to be multiplying the output color by your second texture.

For starters, try connecting it to the multiply node just before Of output as well.


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