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How do you find correct OPERATORs


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I just had a question but solved it second ago....

sphere was connected to scatter then to mountain with animated offset parameter, I coudn't get scattered points to move with mountain offset, so I read in docs that: "Mountain - Displaces points along their normals based on fractal noise." So I've added point sop and attrib. transfer to add normals and it works ok.

My question can be something like that, how do you usually find correct OPs to do what you want to do? Many years expert Houdini users know, I bet, most operators, but the new ones not. What is typical way i.e production environment if you look for something like that, when you know that something should work this way but don't know where to look at?

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This is pretty much the problem of everyone novice in Houdini, and not only novice... The solution is practice. If you're serious about Houdini, spend 30 minutes per day on exploring one or two new operators. Read Help, try Help's examples, search forums etc. After a few weeks you will fortunately temper a bit a feeling of lost...


PS Worth to mention that in case of expressions (which also are rather challenging) there is nice shortcut: exhelp with "-k" flag searches help for keywords. Try "exhelp -k volume"for example ;)

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