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Found 3 results

  1. Guys, I guess it might be a veeery silly question but I just can't do it. How do I display textures on viewport? In this case I have this ramp applied (not an image texture) Thx! Alvaro
  2. Hello, I am working on a prerendered 360 VR video with Houdini. We are currently builing our pipeline for this and want to implement a feature that allows to connect the Houdini viewport to an HMD like the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive. Realtime playback speeds are not necessarily that important. Does anybody have an idea if this is possible and if how to approach it? Also for proper realtime playback, we want to able to create 360 latlong Flipbooks. The opengl ROP currently does not seem to support this. Any ideas on that? Thanks a lot Adrian FX TD @ Animation Institute - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
  3. Hi guys! I got 2 questions for, I think, advanced Houdini users(or for everyone else). I've created standart material in SHOP(Clay, for example), and I turned to OpenGL tab. I want to see as many graphic information as it could be done. So, I set normal map texture in its field - and nothing happened. I've tried to configure it, tried to add light sources, different viewport shading types, even different OpenGL version in Houdini Preferences. Nothing has helped. When I put my normal map in Bump map field - it worked, and worked fine. But why I cant see normal map that I've set in Normal Map field? This is a first quesion, thanks! Next - I've got 2 differnt UV sets for my geometry, and 3(three) layers of diffuse texture, mixing by alpha channel. And two of them are for uvset1 and third is for uvset2. And it renders fine. But when I try to set this textures as multiple texture layers in OpenGL tab - it working strange. For 1-st texture it uses 1-st uvset, for second texture - 2-nd uv. And for 3-rd - it try to use 3-rd(undefined) uvset, or 2-nd, I don't even know. So, how can I set uvset for each texture layer in OpenGL tab manually? Combining 2 layers in third party software(like Photoshop etc.) it's not an option. I've tried to load in 1-st texture field picture, that has already combined in my shader net(by color mix) - it wasn't worked for me. Maybe, there is some way for send to OpenGL texture field result of my shader net(color type, etc). It(OpenGL field) is working with texture in file, as I can see. It would be great, if someone can help me with this issue. Sorry for some mistakes in text(I believe, there are some of them), english is not my native language. Paul
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