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Timeline display during flipbook generation

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When I generate a flipbook my timeline doesn't update so I don´t know which frame is it, if I let the channel editor opened I can see the timeline bar but it is just a way around it(sorry the bad English).

Anyone ever had this problem? Anyone knows how to fix it?


Edited by tomhanks
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I know this behavior. Didn't think of it as a bug, but I would like to see the current frame in the timeline, too. So thanks for the workaround with the channel editor, will test that out.

Edited by LFX
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Glad to know that it´s just not me, not too glad about the problem itself though.

About the Python solution, it seems a good one but i never did nothing with python on houdini can you give e hint about how to create a python object operator?

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Hey tomhanks, I would'nt call that a "solution" but more a "cheap hack" really

> go to : File/New Operator Type

Operator Name : outputFrame

Operator Label : outputFrame

Operator Style : Python Type

Network Type : Object Operator

Save To Library : your_otl_path/outputFrame.otl

Install Library To : Scanned OTL Directories

> click Accept

in the "code" tab, add: print hou.frame() ,after the 2 yellow lines of code.

> click Accept

in your network editor, you can now lay down a "outputFrame" node ( in Object Level )

that will display the frame number in a python pane

have fun with Python !

Glad to know that it´s just not me, not too glad about the problem itself though.

About the Python solution, it seems a good one but i never did nothing with python on houdini can you give e hint about how to create a python object operator?

Edited by bunker
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When I generate a flipbook my timeline doesn't update so I don´t know which frame is it, if I let the channel editor opened I can see the timeline bar but it is just a way around it(sorry the bad English).

Anyone ever had this problem? Anyone knows how to fix it?


You can use the font sop, with $F as the text. Just place it off to the side and uncheck the center text options.

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Another really simple solution:

- create a single point with an ADD sop ( place it on the corner of your frame )

- Create an attribute called "myframe" and set its valued to "$F"

- use the display options to display that attribute as a text.

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- create a single point with an ADD sop ( place it on the corner of your frame )

- Create an attribute called "myframe" and set its valued to "$F"

- use the display options to display that attribute as a text.

Now that is very clever.

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