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Fun with VEX

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Hi. started with Houdini recently and messed around with VEX yesterday. I tried converting an existing escher-style Renderman Shader: the results are a bit different than the ones i got with BMRT, but anyhow here's the outcome:


Once I cleaned up everything I'll post the shader if anyone is intrested :huh:

Seems to me that VEX has quite a few functions with little documentation or very few to none examples on how to use these properly (at least in the aprentice edition help that is). Is there either some book, website ... with a more complete documentation ?

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Very nice! :D

Once I cleaned up everything I'll post the shader if anyone is intrested  :huh:

I'm interested!

Seems to me that VEX has quite a few functions with little documentation or very few to none examples on how to use these properly (at least in the aprentice edition help that is). Is there either some book, website ... with a more complete documentation ?

Yes. The vex documentation is a little weak, and as far as I know, the docs are the same for all releases (i.e: the apprentice docs are no different than the docs for Master). :(


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Just ignore the warnings when loading it up. The cool thing about hktoon is that it's all done with *SOPs*. Here's my version of it that does it all in the viewport. Load up the attached hip file and maximize the viewport. Make sure realtime is turned *off*. Hit play. It'll go slowly on the first pass as it generates the geometry. After that, you can scrub the playbar and tumble around.


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edward: Amazing :) Gonna take some time until i figured out how this SOP network works. Very intresting approach on NPR: I was expecting some Shader with possible postprocessing. Houdini just gets more intresting everyday.

Wolfwood: Sure you applied my Shader ?! The Frequency settings should be around 100, if you kept it at 1, you'll likely got only a unicolored render output. Here is the sample scene of mine. Later today i'll post the updated VEX code, with some more detailed desciption on the usage.


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Wolfwood: Sure you applied my Shader ?! The Frequency settings should be around 100, if you kept it at 1, you'll likely got only a unicolored render output. Here is the sample scene of mine. Later today i'll post the updated VEX code, with some more detailed desciption on the usage.

Sorry I found the problem.

I had the following alias set in my shell.

alias houdini '/usr/bin/gimp'

All is good.


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edward: Amazing :) Gonna take some time until i figured out how this SOP network works. Very intresting approach on NPR: I was expecting some Shader with possible postprocessing. Houdini just gets more intresting everyday.

No, it's not my file. I just modified Hwee Kok's file so that it shows up in the viewport instead of only when rendering.

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