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Organic dots thing


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Sup people,

Just saw a video by Erik Fergusson (he got awesome houdini organic stuff) and I wonder how can I model something like this in Houdini, I'm always trying to figure out how to do abstract/organic stuff and I really liked this video.


So my thinking (my knowledge of houdini is pretty basic):


- This was animated throug FEM? looks like.

The organic stuff itself:

- some cilinders, duplicate, scatter some points, big dots over the cilinder for the big mass, and the small dots throug a copy sop? with stamp for randomness? if so, the scene would be pretty heavy right?

- or can this be achieved through mantra materials? what I really like is the randomness on sizes and the colour palette, colour through attribute random maybe?

- or maybe particles over the big form?


Any input on how to get this type of form will be helpful, I could get a similar model with zbrush or cinema 4d, but since I'm learning Houdini and its becoming my main app (the more I learn the less I want to go back to other apps), I think would be a nice challenge to do this in Houdini, plus the future is procedural :D





Edited by caskal
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23 hours ago, Hokmah said:

Here you can see how to create kind of a octopus movement: TUTORIAL

after this part I think you can use scatter for this points or make it in DOP. It was my first thing how to do this and it should be a good starting point.


Thanks! will check that tut. I agree a scatter with copy stamp for random sizes will do the trick, thanks!

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