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Mixing Static and Finite Element Solvers to define collision

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When defining collision objects using the shelf tools, you have the choice of either using

1) Solid > Solid Object (Finite Element  Solver)


2) Collisions > Static Object (Static Solver)

If you are already using the Finite Element Solver in your simulation, say to define cloth, does it make sense to not introduce a second solver(Static) for your collisions?

ie In most cases will your simulation work more efficiently with a single solver vs 2?

Edited by art3mis
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i remember reading that the static solver doesn't actually do anything...you can disable it (even delete) and it will still work:

" The Static Solver DOP is a solver which does nothing to its objects at each timestep. Although the behavior of the object is the same as if no solver was attached to the object, it can be necessary to use this solver when using a Switch Solver or Blend Solver. When using those solvers, there is no way to turn off solving other than using this Static Solver"

so i guess...for the static solver, don't worry about perf. impact ?

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