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Force quitting and file corruption

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If the HIP is being modified then it could be corrupted. For example a crash while saving the scene file. If you're starting a render it shouldn't be messing with the scene file on disk. It's crap like this that makes me use ZFS in production. Snapshots every 15 minutes! It has saved the day on quite a few occasions.

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Thanks Marty!

Yes, that has been my experience. Just wanted some confirmation since I force quit quite a bit!

On occasion when saving if I experience a freeze or crash then reopening the .hip I usually get an EOF error.

May I ask, ZFS?


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This is a great resource that covers almost all aspects of ZFS on Linux. It's more or less the documentation.


I've taught a few classes on it that go through install and basic setup on Ubuntu. My presentation is below.


If you're new to ZFS in general I'd look at the presentations from Sun back in the day that cover why ZFS is different/important/powerful compared to anything else out there. Leave everything you know about file systems and volume managers behind here.



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