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If you remember the last picture I posted after the poly frame create a wrangle :
v@up = cross(v@tangentv, v@tangentu);
v@at = v@tangentv;


after that a new wrangle:

float pt01 = float(i@ptnum)/float(i@numpt);

pt01 = chramp("shape", pt01);

matrix m = ident();
float angle = radians(ch("angle")*pt01*100);
vector axis = v@tangentu;
vector Newm;

rotate(m, angle, axis);

v@at *= m;

and your @at is twist

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Is it a correct way to do a three-axis rotation with the matrix?

// Rotation matrix
matrix3 matrx = ident();
// Angle control with UI
float angle_X = radians( chf('angle_X') );
float angle_Y = radians( chf('angle_Y') );
float angle_Z = radians( chf('angle_Z') );
// Define rotation axis
vector axis_X = {1, 0, 0};
vector axis_Y = {0, 1, 0};
vector axis_Z = {0, 0, 1};

// Rotate matrix by axis
rotate ( matrx, angle_X, axis_X); 
rotate ( matrx, angle_Y, axis_Y); 
rotate ( matrx, angle_Z, axis_Z); 

// Apply rotation: multiply position by matrix
@P *= matrx; 


Edited by kiryha
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I'm not very good on matrix but you can use matrix with so many way.

using quaterion matrix3 ect..

there is an ther way to achieve this exercice without matrix.
replace the second wrangle by that:

float pt01, twistx, twisty;
vector x, y, z;

x = v@tangentv;
y = v@up;
z = v@tangentu;

pt01 = float(i@ptnum)/float(i@numpt);

twistx = sin(pt01 * ch("amount")) * ch("strength");
twisty = cos(pt01 * ch("amount")) * ch("strength");

x *= twistx;
y *= twisty;

v@at = x + y;

v@N = v@tangentu;
v@up = v@at;

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I did not find a more elegant way of three-axis rotations with matrix but with quaternions it is: 

float angle_X = radians(chf('angle_X'));
float angle_Y = radians(chf('angle_Y'));
float angle_Z = radians(chf('angle_Z'));

vector rotations = set(angle_X,angle_Y,angle_Z);
@P = qrotate(quaternion(rotations), @P);


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