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Rendertime Info

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Could someone explain me please, how can I read render time information stored in txt file?

I got something like this:

Render Time: 8569.484u 12.484s

what units Houdini uses?

This image took me aproximetly 1.5h to render, I'm sure that wasn't 12 seconds :huh:


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Thanks, Peliosis, probably you're right.  :)  Is there any particular reason Houdini shows time in this slightly odd way?

It always has, since Mantra 1. Maybe it's just hopeful that those numbers will one day be under 60. :)

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I found the following information through the Hbrowser: hdox://houdini/content/base/mantra_tshoot.xml

I can't tell what the numbers in verbose output mean.

The time output is in the form user_time system_times real_timer, for example 0.25u 0.2s 30.45r

user_time is the amount of time that the Houdini process took to execute the command.

system_time is the amount of time spent on system overhead. If the process is swapping a lot this number can get quite large.

real_time is total time spent executing the command, including user time, system time, and any other unaccounted-for overhead.

Hope it clears thing up.



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