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Group By Bounding Object Problem

MIguel P

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Try to generate a isooffset and then use the resultant object for grouping.

Other ways of doing it is to loop through the objects and add the grouping results (slow!), or implement something in VEX.

I wish SESI would make the possibility of using intersecting objects for grouping... There are lots of cases where I need it!

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Could you attribute transfer an attribute value for the points at the center of the spheres and then put a threshold expression in the group sop to pick points with a non-zero attribute

I know I can do that, but what I want is to select with random size, and the thresold parameter transfer attributes with uniform radius.

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Why don't you use polygonal objects, piped through a cookie sop as your bounding object solution?

Edit: oh yeah, I see that you might be using lots of particles. Well - IsoOffset could do the job than, as danielpferreira suggested.

btw, What do you mean, by

select with random size
? Select random values? Select with random threshold? Well - you could equally transfer random valued attributes onto your points of interest and then select them with some, again, randomized expression, no?


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