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Malcolm Zaloon

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  1. Oh, No exactly this, but thanks man! It is interesting anyways! Im re-studying new DOP particles in my free time,so, in some point i believe i will get knowledge to do this in DOPs.
  2. Hello guys! I trying to make default setup for fireworks to emmit rings instead spheres on each explosion, with random rotation of rings. Any ideas on how do this? thanks.
  3. Hello Alejandro! No news about your orbolt asset? i cant find there. thanks!
  4. Hello guys. I´m thinking if it possible to render pyro smoke volumes with refraction, and get IOR based on density... i try some combinations, but i´m stuck. Any ideas, .hip, tuts on this? thanks in advance!
  5. Oh.. there's another problem, the fluidforce worked cloth reacts to fluid motion, but now i cant use the cloth as collider on fluid... is FEM working with flip? even if i use a trick... i re-import cloth from other SOP (with obj merge from simulated) as a collider, if i check "use deforming geo" the object deforms with "double" deformations like crazy... and if i check "ignore merge relationships"not deforms, but it not collide anymore... :/ may i missing something here?
  6. Hello guys! Im trying to make a cloth react to flip fluid on a beach(the cloth is on ground)...making cloth sim be afected by fluid motion as forces. the cloth (FEM) and flipsolver are on same DOP. i turn FEEDBACK to 1 on flipsolver, but not working. (its not easy like RBD right?) Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi Alejandro! yes, i see... the gas surface tension is very problematic.. and not realistic, but i do not know hot to build a better one. so, any ideas? i do not want use the default tools, i know this is a "custom" formula.. but is on this i really need help. i´m not using reseeding on my tests because i will need timewarps at sop level after.
  8. Hello guys! I wish to make this look with houdini simulations. i´m in a learning process, so can anyone help to achieve this? and what i need is a long sheets and whaterdrops on borders, all in slowmotion, like in video. very beautifull what impress me in this realflow video, is how stable and low particle counts the sim have.. i try to play with viscosity and surface tension node, but it not working to achieve the effect. Can someone help? some microsolver maybe? i´m stuck. thanks in advance!
  9. yeah.. i see.. but there is another way to do? i´m thinking about advect Hires container with lowres pre simulated one...
  10. Oh, i´m thinking just about this! i´ll do some tests today...
  11. ok, i see.. so, is it not possible to up-res a flip sim without change overall behaviour, like in pyro..?
  12. liquids without FLIP? Large scale?! because SPH is not very adequate...
  13. Hello! When i try to apply up-res from container tools, i get a error 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set' it occur even on a fresh new scene with shelf created default FLIP TANK! on manual say it is possible to up-res flip liquids..look: "This solver can scale a low-resolution smoke, file, or even liquid simulation into a higher-resolution container" i´m on H13, windows... it´s a bug? (i already deleted HOU user folder to try fix, but has no effect on error!) i´m trying to upres a flip liquid simulation, but i don´t know how to manually wire nodes to up-res FLIP sim. Does anyone have a solution, or a tip to do it manually? Thanks in advance!
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