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Found 3 results

  1. Hey all! Quick question for everybody. I have not been able to set mulptile RBD objects as triggers for a crowd simulation for some reason. I can't share the scene file but can create another one to exemplify my dilemma if that would help. I have setup a crowd simulation with 4 triggers for 4 separate RBD objects. This is in Houdini 15.0 which is necessary for the Houdini Engine integration with Cinema 4D. The problem is that the 4 RBD objects simulate but only the last linked RBD object (number 4) affects the clones. I suppose it's overwriting the other RBD triggers? Could anybody give me a tip on how to rig this differently so it recognizes all 4 RBD objects in the Ragdoll simulation. Best regards, Sam Welker
  2. Hello, First post and relatively new to Houdini. Im looking to produce a rain effect. I figure the best way is to use a particle emitter from a grid. Basically for the shot I am doing, there is a car driving straight on a road and I need some rain to hit the front of the car and the windscreen. The rain needs to collide with the car and I am also looking to produce the streaking effect as the rain slides along the car. My main question is how to emit less particles, randomly across the object its emitting from. Also, how do you make the particles tiny (raindrop size) rather than coming down in one giant blob. I've been looking for some tutorials for a few days now and I have found nothing. Any help appreciated, thankyou Charlie
  3. Hello, I'm missing something simple I'm sure but this has stumped me. Prior to Houdini 15 I've been using the same setup for a while to displace geometry with a texture map. The setup uses a vopsop and work exactly as expected. Upgrading to Houdini 15 and switching to a Attribute Vop the setup no longer works when using a texture. Displacing using procedural noise works the same as before. What am I missing? Thanks displace.hipnc
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