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Found 3 results

  1. I'm using an if condition in my script to validate the existance of a directory. In case it doesn't exist, I want Houdini to stop execuing the code and raise a warning. So far I have: if (condition == False): raise hou.NodeError("No Source Folder Found.") exit() But it seems like houdini is ignoring the raise warning function... EDIT: Looks like the correct function for this is hou.ui.displayMessage("No Source Folder Found."), but it still runs the rest of the code which is not what I want...
  2. Hi! I'm writing a shelf tool that allows users on Linux to search a directory and its sub-directories for a certain file-type / keyword. To do this I've used a readMultiInput like below - start_popup = hou.ui.readMultiInput(start_message, ("Path to Search", "File to Look For"), initial_contents=(home_dir, ".exr"), title="File Finder", buttons=('OK', 'Cancel'), default_choice=0, close_choice=1) In this version of the script, users need to manually type in / paste the directory they want to search, but I'd like for there to be a pop-up dialog allowing users to select a folder, the same way hou.ui.selectFile() allows you to select a file. Is there a way to do this?
  3. Hello everyone, I am currently trying to work with takes, and how, depending on the current take, a new folder is created in the geometry path, and the geometry from the cache file, inside it. To illustrate a bit, the current path is "$JOB/cache/Houdini_Caches/file.bgeo.sc" - The idea is that the file path is "$JOB/cache/Houdini_Caches/"name of the take"/"name of the take.bgeo.sc". Thanks!!
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