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Found 4 results

  1. In a pipeline that requires you to do VFX work in Houdini and then render said VFX in 3ds max, there are many formats that are viable (I mostly use alembic). But I was not lucky finding a straightforward method/format to export particle systems that were created in Houdini to be later replaced by geometry in 3ds max for rendering. After some tests, we managed to do it using an HDA called PRTRop which exports particles in .prt file format. The particles were then imported into 3ds max using TyFlow, that reads a couple attributes such as width (pscale), id - this one is necessary for tyflow to import the particles, velocity, etc... Then we hit another roadblock: what if I want to export particles with orientation information for my geometry instancing? It turns out that, after some more testing, we discovered Tyflow uses an attribute called Orientation (case sensitive) which is a quaternion just like Houdinis orient attribute, and it has to be exported as a float16. So in case some of you were wondering how to do this, I'm sharing the workflow used here. If some of you know a better way feel free to share it... it might save some lives! Cheers, Mozzo
  2. Hi, I have seen a lot of posts about exporting PRTs from Houdini but what I would like to do is import them into Houdini as points is there a way to do this? I have some nebulas saved out in PRT format and I wanted to do some experiments in Houdini with them. Thanks
  3. Does anybody have compiled PRT exporter for houdini 15.5.480 ?
  4. Dim


    Hey all So quick question. Has any body been able to convert bgeo to prt? I've seen a couple PrtRop Driver nodes floating on the net but unfortunetly I cant seem to find a version for my Build of Houdini. Running Version 13.0.376 far as I understand its a VC11 build and the PrtRops i've found are VC9 builds. Reason is I need to port particles to Max/Maya to render in Krakatoa,but need to make sure my Colour,Velocity and Position channels are intact. Does anyone know if there's a script or anything that can convert bgeo to prt and were can I get my hands on it. BTW I have no scripting knowledge Thanks guys
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