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Maya ---> 3d Studio Max , particle scene


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I always found AfterBurn to be very very slow, but maybe theye improved it since I last used it. Anyway, I think the only thing you could do write a mell script that could export your Maya particle system to an ase for Max. You can't just bake the particles and export them, I don't think, because Afterburn requires emitters in Max, at least it used to, so you couldn't just apply it to a point cloud. Writing an ase exporter for Maya just to do particle systems will be alot of work, and there's a lot of features Maya has that have no analogues in Max and Vice versa. Really the easiest thing to do would probably be to just rebuild the particle system in Max and go from there.

As to what the other guys were saying, you'll probably get much better responses to Max/Maya questions at www.cgtalk.com or www.maxforums.org

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