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File SOP question


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Is it possible to import a model, say a GEO file, as "File" SOP and then embedding/saving it internally (however it might be called, if such a feature exists) it into the HIP file?

Thanks in advance!

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yes siree...

thats what the file SOP does - either brings in modeled geometry, particles (priceless when doing heavy simulations), animations and just about anything houdini does can be saved out as geo or bgeo. B)

if you want to bring in a model from "one of the other brands", save out as obj, and so long as you did everything correctly during the export, your purdy model should pop right in.

for a more detailed version, refer to the PDF files under *i think* outputs.

wit big lub

mike C.

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Is it possible to import a model, say a GEO file, as "File" SOP and then embedding/saving it internally (however it might be called, if such a feature exists) it into the HIP file?

Thanks in advance!

Sure. Use File SOP read the file back. :)

If you just want to save a single geometry, you and just RMB on the last node in the SOP editor and save out the geometry as: bgeo, geo, rib, obj, ect (check sidefx.com for all the supported outputs).

If you want to output your already animated geometry as a sequence of files, you can use Geometry Output to do it. You can then use File SOP to read this sequence of animation back.

I.e. in your File SOP: C:/project/sequence/myfile.$F.bgeo



Oopsy daisy, Plan9 beat me to it. :lol:

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erm.. well i thought Calosus wanted to get rid of the dependance on the .geo or .bgeo file when saving the hip file.

If so, you can apply a transform SOP, (or any other that doesn't mess the model), then lock it and you can delete the file sop. Be carefull not to unlock it later.

edit: just thought that locking the file SOP itself should also work

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No, there is no sensible way to file SOP and maintain animating geometry. You'd have to have many FileSOPs locked and use a SequenceBlend to blend between them. What would be sensible is to cache the entire sequence in the Cache SOP and then lock it, but the Cache SOP doesn't lock properly like the other SOPs. I am pretty sure this was a conscious decision by Side Effects so that accidentally locked cache SOPs didn't bloat your hipfiles.

Do you guys think that this would be an essential thing? So far, I've never needed it but I can imagine that people used to working "the Maya way" are used to trying to contain everything inside the scene files.

What do you think??


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No, there is no sensible way to file SOP and maintain animating geometry. You'd have to have many FileSOPs locked and use a SequenceBlend to blend between them. What would be sensible is to cache the entire sequence in the Cache SOP and then lock it, but the Cache SOP doesn't lock properly like the other SOPs. I am pretty sure this was a conscious decision by Side Effects so that accidentally locked cache SOPs didn't bloat your hipfiles.

Do you guys think that this would be an essential thing? So far, I've never needed it but I can imagine that people used to working "the Maya way" are used to trying to contain everything inside the scene files.

What do you think??


Actually, I could just save them externally. I was wanting to see what was better.

Infact, I wanted to try this method a while ago already (using XSI, by using "Referenced models"). Since it's quite handy when you think of it and each time you change the model, it reuses it in the scenes you're using it in.

I guess I was just whining! Hehehe.

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I don't like the idea of self contained scenes. I'm much more in favour of the database concept (much like soft|3d) where you can save/load or replace pieces of the scene around. Like saving the animation of some objects, then replacing other's materials from antother version of the scene... you know, many files you can move around.

Still, an option to make your whole hip into say, a gzipped file with all cross refecenced stuff saved into it can be of help to make scenes more portable.

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