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Few small questions

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Hi guys,

I gathered a few small questions about some things in Houdini as I started to work on a personal project.

So here are the questions:

- frame object

When I frame an object (SPACE + G) the camera rotation is reseted to the default value. So let's say I view a car backplate number from far ahead and I select the plate, press SPACE + G, the camera frames on the backplate but also rotates in front of the car. Looks like something small but it get's annoying when is happening often.

- group edge

How can I create a group that contains edges? I must miss something very obvious since I can't find a way to do such a basic thing.

- local handle orientation

Ok, this is a little harder to explain. Let's say that I have a polygonal mesh sphere, I select a primitive (polygon) and now I want to translate this primitive on it's local axes. How do I do that? In softimage it's called local coordinates but I couldn't find a way to align the handles like that in Houdini. It's something super important and super basic for anyone that wan't to mode.

- ring selection

Can I perform a ring selection?

- subnet parenting

I just can't parent a subnetwork to another object. The help says is possible but it just doesn't work.

This are some of the problems I'm dealing with daily :)

Any help is really appreciated, Houdini is a great package, I just need to pass the bumpy start.

Btw, I'm working on OS X and with the latest daily build.

Thank you,


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- frame object

When I frame an object (SPACE + G) the camera rotation is reseted to the default value. So let's say I view a car backplate number from far ahead and I select the plate, press SPACE + G, the camera frames on the backplate but also rotates in front of the car. Looks like something small but it get's annoying when is happening often.

In complex scenes I find this useful as I always get a bearing on the direction when focusing, though I can see how this behavior might be annoying. Not sure if this can be changed, there are some options for homing but not for focusing (that I can find).

- group edge

How can I create a group that contains edges? I must miss something very obvious since I can't find a way to do such a basic thing.

There are primitive groups and point groups. Things that need edges are usually specified per edge (which is pulled from the selection if using shelf tools).

- local handle orientation

Ok, this is a little harder to explain. Let's say that I have a polygonal mesh sphere, I select a primitive (polygon) and now I want to translate this primitive on it's local axes. How do I do that? In softimage it's called local coordinates but I couldn't find a way to align the handles like that in Houdini. It's something super important and super basic for anyone that wan't to mode.

Houdini operates differently than other applications. There will always be a node trail. The PolyExtrude SOP has local and world translate and can accept groups of primitives (even if that's just one primitive). Depending on what node is used will determine what controls you have.

- ring selection

Can I perform a ring selection?



- subnet parenting

I just can't parent a subnetwork to another object. The help says is possible but it just doesn't work.

Object level networks can be parented to one another by connecting their inputs and outputs. An example file of what you're trying to do (that isn't working) might help to pinpoint the issue.

This are some of the problems I'm dealing with daily :)

Any help is really appreciated, Houdini is a great package, I just need to pass the bumpy start.

Btw, I'm working on OS X and with the latest daily build.

I'd avoid daily builds unless you need it to work around bugs from a previous production build. They are called daily builds instead of production builds for a reason...

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Also as far as local coordinate handles go if you right click on the handle itself (on the box) you'll see "align handle" here you can set to object\world\view and can also pick the orientation if you need.

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