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Blending/Filetting trimmed NURBS surfaces?


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I don't know if you need profiles on both surfaces to get bridge to work, but that's the easiest way I found to make it work. To get a profile on your tube, just append a carve sop and extract 2d isoparametric profile. Then in the bridge sop you can specify the order in which to bridge them, by specifying profile numbers (you can turn on display of profile numbers in the viewport. Look for something like 0.1 or 1.0)




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Hey guys,

I'm trying this out myself. I'm not sure if I'm doing this most efficiently.

I used 2 carves on the tube.

First one with extract 3d curves for projecting the profile onto the grid.

The other with extract 2d profile to use for the bridge.

It worked fine, but am I making a mess SOPwise?


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I don't know if you need profiles on both surfaces to get bridge to work, but that's the easiest way I found to make it work.

The geometry pdf says a set of profiles and/or spatial curves, but i can't get it to work at all unless it's two profiles. So i just ended up using a carve sop to get my other profile. I will say that i really cant get the bridge to look 'great' though. I have tried all the parameters and gone through to see what each one is doing exactly from the help file. I can make it appear as if it is smoothly attached to my extruded object but can't get it look nice and smoothly attached to my surface when rendered. it kinda just looks like it it's stuck on there even if i adjust tangent scaling, etc...

anybody have a nice solution for that possibly?

thanks, dave


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First of all, thanks anakin78z! I managed to do it before checking the thread though :( There was also something else going wrong. If I knew that earlier, I might've never needed to ask how to do this in the first place...

I originally loaded an IGES, though a File SOP. So everything was more or less fit into one combined block of data. When I fed a curve, which I selected from the imported geometry, into the Project SOP, in my network, things (still) worked fine. But later on the Bridge SOP wouldn't operate correctly. So I've added a Tube SOP, carved off a 3D and 2D (profile) curve, fed it seperately into a Project SOP and then succesfully bridged it together.

Oh and...

Shannon: that's more or less what anakin78z was suggesting. I don't think there's a quicker or more efficient method currently. But if there is one, I'd love to hear it :P

Deecue: I've noticed that too. Try changing the tollerance parameter in the Bridge SOP.

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