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Copy control


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great ... i ll check that!

but let's stay with CHOPS for a second ... please see the example attached... How about offsetting a second movement, for example a motioneffect on another part of the charakter... the geoCHOP has to reecook all the channels every frame ?! ... how i ve to setup when i d like usw only the t(xyz) channels of the control object? Where i ve to apply the channelSOP and what attributes i ve to use ?

thank you !

somehow the setup could be a very very basic version of such an attempt:


EDIT:i am mixing things up a bit sorry for that...

!!The problem with the constantly increasing attribute over time seems to be solved with peters attempt you ve mentioned (could be used for fading in the wave motion) !!

The lines above describe a further problem: Layering the different animation behavours... In the first example everthing could be done within one single SOPnet applying different motions with simple transformSOPS a.s.o. / now the complexity of a charakter setup, ore in other words dealing with complex geometry is the problem.


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First off I wanted to say; you are on the RIGHT track! It took a little bit to sort it out, but I've pretty much finished sky rim, and really like what you are doing here. =]

So you want a model that is your animation base or driver, then you want a second model that is your target. Also you want to use export in the chops rather than a channel chop in this case. The tricky part is going to be parsing all the channels. If you can sort out a smart way to do that you're 90% done. I'm sure there are other ways of doing it, but this seems to get the job done.


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i'm very curious about your attempt! ... i'll get into it at night ... in the mean time i found a CHOPS example from peter which brings in some additional ideas....


First off I wanted to say; you are on the RIGHT track! It took a little bit to sort it out, but I've pretty much finished sky rim, and really like what you are doing here. =]

So you want a model that is your animation base or driver, then you want a second model that is your target. Also you want to use export in the chops rather than a channel chop in this case. The tricky part is going to be parsing all the channels. If you can sort out a smart way to do that you're 90% done. I'm sure there are other ways of doing it, but this seems to get the job done.

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you re the man !

that takes the level of control a lot further!

Thank you ! ...

I ll get back to you when i have time getting into this again...


i'm very curious about your attempt! ... i'll get into it at night ... in the mean time i found a CHOPS example from peter which brings in some additional ideas....


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when you setup any object with the fur-shelftools, H creates a seperate scenenetwork out of several objects. Some geo for the setuppart some for the renderpart a.s.o... i search for a simple method to copy any geometry fur is applyed to without heaving to recreate the whole structure of the furobject with all attributes a.s.o.

something like 1 furry ball copied to a line with 10 points ...

hope thats clear

thank you


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welcome! would be nice staying up to date with you progress:)!

... as about the beginning of this discussion: timeoffset and instancing, i'm shure you know about the instancepoint() expression along with $F at obj level.

I think because of memorylimitations in many cases an instance solution would be preferable to the copySOP-way. I found this:

good luck



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Instances in H12 is the way to go, but unfortunately, AFAIK, the instancepoint() in H11 has a memory issue and doesn't work as ideally as one would hope, as well as the instance obj.

I've also tried using the ClusterThis plugin, unfortunately the noise it implements is not on a per-point basis but rather a global offset so it didn't work for me, but very fast, haven't thought to use it in a crowd context.

But you can save your animation channels as bclip files via (opwrite<-wrong) opsave and load those into chops... how to deform the mesh at render time, i'm not sure... but I reckon the bclip is the way to go in the instance approach.

check this out


Except it's not mocap it's animation, but the process would be much the same...

I think in python it would be possible to write some kind of instanter that loads the skeleton, reads the chop and deforms the geo, that could be called at render time, but that's just a theory... I'm constantly reminded how difficult seemingly simple things really are...transformation whatrix?!? hahaha...

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