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control system in Houdini

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Hi all,

I'm kinda new to this board and to Houdini too.

Using it for my summer class for a month now. :)

In my class I have created a project that try to imitate a race game

in Houdini. (yeah! with vehicles, tracks, cameras, control system)

I'm now in the point of designing a control system using "keyboard chop"

the prototype I can now moving an object by using keyboard chops and Align Sops together so vehicle will creep along UV of the track.

forward backward left right.

then I reach a problem when I try to move car by using steering method

the vehicle should move toward the direction which it's facing.

like when it turn left then it move to that direction and so on.

I'm trying to research on tranform matrix, and basics physics stuff(velocity,


Now I'm trying use "object CHOPs" to get information about angle vehicle's facing and try to use that information for moving vehicle.

And still developing the scheme.

Just want to ask for any suggestions, information anything at all. That would be great!!

What do you guys think it should help me?

Thanks a lot in advance..


-tuang :D

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If you're not willing/able to go through CHOPS using the Object CHOP and all, then I'd suggest that you take a look at the point() expressions.

You could ObjectMerge both points into a thrird object with "keep position when parenting" and then using the point() expression to find the difference.


exhelp point


exhelp -k distance

to help you,



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thanks Alex and Jason,


I've made a test file using object chops and can manage to get some values out of it.

But when I try to export it back to the null object an error happen on the

tx transform. it's saying that the evaluation recursing happen (only on tx, tz is ok)

so I guess I have made a mistake somewhere.

please take a look.


oh you can use w key to trigger the chops




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Hey Tuang,

Did you wanted to export to all 3 Nulls or just a specific one? I am taking a look at your file, and all 3 Nulls have override on there tx and tz channel. Are there no duplicate naming in CHOPs or exporting errors?

Although I haven't used CHOP that much, but from what it seem like you're grabbing a channel and then exported it back to that same channel again form CHOPs. Perhaps this is what gives you an infinite recursion?

Take care,


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hi guys,

I've made a little progress... :)

after struggle with that recursing problem.

finally I decided just to fetch ry channel from null object.

And split chops in 2 network.

then there's no recursive problem anymore.

you guys can check this file here.


run the scene, push scroll lock, then

use 'w''a''s''d' keys to control movement.

any comment will be welcome



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