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ramp in color, reflectivity or opacity?


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Hi guys.

I just can´t get my head wrapped into this (coming from Maya).

How can I control my color with a ramp (or opacity or reflectivity)?

In Maya, if I want something like a fresnel effect, I just plug a ramp into the reflectivity input and control the color from there.

I was thinking of doing something like having the opacity strong in the middle of my object, and getting weaker towards the end, trying to use the default clay shader , plugging a ramp into the reflectivity.

How do I do this?

Thank you


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Hi Anders,

In SOP's : you can add vopsop and add ramp node inside of vopsop and give output of ramp parameter to color attribute.

If you want to control opacity, create a add attribute node inside of vopsop and in parameters give opacity as the attribute name and connect ramp parameter to output to its input.

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You can get a vector from the point to be shaded to the camera. If you dot that with the normal you get the cosine of an angle and can drive a ramp with and output either a float or a color.

There is also a ready made fresnel node.

Edited by Macha
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