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HOT on github / H12


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Hi people,

Sorry I've been absent from most of the recent discussion, I'm very busy on other things these days. Thanks to Nicholas Yue SOP_Ocean now works under H12 using the new GA geometry libraries. I've also started to move away from google code and onto Github which is where ongoing (>= H12) development will take place. Finally I'm changing the way things are compiled and installed, no more producing binary distros, hopefully simpler.

For the adventurous among you (Linux and OSX only) , grab the latest code from


Compile and install it with the new shell script

> ./compile.sh

If the 3rdparty dependencies have been compiled (via the above script) you can bypass doing it again by

> ./compile.sh -f

Finally if you just want to test building and not install to $HOME/houdini12.0 use the -n flag.

>./compile.sh -n

It will be useful if people report their experiences building in this thread.

For anyone who wanted to write the equivalent "compile.bat" for windows, I'd be happy to add it to the distribution.



Edited by eloop
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Hi people,

Sorry I've been absent from most of the recent discussion, I'm very busy on other things these days. Thanks to Nicholas Yue SOP_Ocean now works under H12 using the new GA geometry libraries. I've also started to move away from google code and onto Github which is where ongoing (>= H12) development will take place. Finally I'm changing the way things are compiled and installed, no more producing binary distros, hopefully simpler.

For the adventurous among you (Linux and OSX only) , grab the latest code from


Compile and install it with the new shell script

> ./compile.sh

If the 3rdparty dependencies have been compiled (via the above script) you can bypass doing it again by

> ./compile.sh -f

Finally if you just want to test building and not install to $HOME/houdini12.0 use the -n flag.

>./compile.sh -n

It will be useful if people report their experiences building in this thread.

For anyone who wanted to write the equivalent "compile.bat" for windows, I'd be happy to add it to the distribution.



So Great !!

Edited by fsim
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Hi, first of all, thanks for your work.

I tested on Mac OS X (10.6.8).

First, under os X, the default preferences folder is in /Users/nameofuser/Library/Preferences/houdini/12.0

when your install script create a new folder in /User/nameofuser/houdini12.0

Second, with Ocean SOP, if you uncheck Chop toggle, the ocean doesn't have effect. All is ok with a VEX node.

When you promote parameters in a VOP/SOP, like the previous version, the Height Scale Label, will promote as 'Input 1' instead of 'Height Scale' and give a default value of 10000 for Ocean Size.

i will test under linux.

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Thanks for the feedback. I've verified the chop toggle problem, yet to look into the parameter promotion problem.

Not sure about the installation directory. I know that I'm always having to look up where the hell things are being installed on Mac and find it much easier to have things in $HOME/houdini12.0 (ie $HIH in the old days). What do others think ? It's easy enough to change, just remove the -i $HIH/dso bit in the compile script.


Hi, first of all, thanks for your work.

I tested on Mac OS X (10.6.8).

First, under os X, the default preferences folder is in /Users/nameofuser/Library/Preferences/houdini/12.0

when your install script create a new folder in /User/nameofuser/houdini12.0

Second, with Ocean SOP, if you uncheck Chop toggle, the ocean doesn't have effect. All is ok with a VEX node.

When you promote parameters in a VOP/SOP, like the previous version, the Height Scale Label, will promote as 'Input 1' instead of 'Height Scale' and give a default value of 10000 for Ocean Size.

i will test under linux.

Edited by eloop
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Could someone compile a version for Houdini 12.0.581 for Ubuntu x64 or give more detailed instructions on how to go about it?


I don't know the version of Ubuntu you use and version of gcc. But there is a chance that it will help you.

This SOP_Ocean.so works for me on both on Houdini 12.0.595 and 12.0581 under Centos 6 (gcc-4.4) and Fedora 16 (gcc-4.6). I don't know how to find out the version of the source code which I compile from. But its a clone of the git (https://github.com/eloop/hot) from 25 of april 2012 :)

And I have the VEX_Ocean.so from the other sources that works on the same configurations. I made it by following the instructions of Hans Joergen from this post here

And yes this SOP_Ocean seems to doesn't work at all without Chop toggle turned on.



Edited by Green-Man
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I don't know the version of Ubuntu you use and version of gcc. But there is a chance that it will help you.

This SOP_Ocean.so works for me on both on Houdini 12.0.595 and 12.0581 under Centos 6 (gcc-4.4) and Fedora 16 (gcc-4.6). I don't know how to find out the version of the source code which I compile from. But its a clone of the git (https://github.com/eloop/hot) from 25 of april 2012 :)

And I have the VEX_Ocean.so from the other sources that works on the same configurations. I made it by following the instructions of Hans Joergen from this post here

And yes this SOP_Ocean seems to doesn't work at all without Chop toggle turned on.

Thanks a lot, this works perfectly. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just fixed the problem with chop turned off, update from the github repo.


Hi, first of all, thanks for your work.

I tested on Mac OS X (10.6.8).

First, under os X, the default preferences folder is in /Users/nameofuser/Library/Preferences/houdini/12.0

when your install script create a new folder in /User/nameofuser/houdini12.0

Second, with Ocean SOP, if you uncheck Chop toggle, the ocean doesn't have effect. All is ok with a VEX node.

When you promote parameters in a VOP/SOP, like the previous version, the Height Scale Label, will promote as 'Input 1' instead of 'Height Scale' and give a default value of 10000 for Ocean Size.

i will test under linux.

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I don't see this (on OSX), do you see the same thing with the vopsop_foamparts.hip example ?


I have some strange results with some parameters only for 1 frame. See attached.




and another bug is a back frame in simulation.

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I don't see this (on OSX), do you see the same thing with the vopsop_foamparts.hip example ?


I have some strange results with some parameters only for 1 frame. See attached.




and another bug is a back frame in simulation.

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I don't see this (on OSX), do you see the same thing with the vopsop_foamparts.hip example ?


No, i don't see this issue on this example file, but the easy way to see it, it's to add a trail sop to compute the velocity, play with the Chop amount, and play the sequence with velocity diplayed.

Sometimes, the velocity come very large for one frame.

In fact, when i fall on this, if i Force recompile the VOP/SOP or i quit and reopen my scene, the problem disappear.

My last tests were done on linux x64 and the build 12.0.616.

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  • 1 month later...

hi guys,

IS anyone know where is my HDK??

root@nKC320-desktop:/opt/hfs12.0.581/HOT_for_H12# ./compile.sh

We can't see the HDK, exiting.

how can i make compile.sh know where is the HDK located?

Thanks in advance

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hi guys,

IS anyone know where is my HDK??

root@nKC320-desktop:/opt/hfs12.0.581/HOT_for_H12# ./compile.sh

We can't see the HDK, exiting.

how can i make compile.sh know where is the HDK located?

Thanks in advance

Before compile, you must source houdini:

cd /opt/hfs12.0.581
source houdini_setup

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Before compile, you must source houdini:

cd /opt/hfs12.0.581
source houdini_setup

Thanks your reply,

looks like i only got half way through it,

g++ -shared SOP_Ocean.o -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I. -I./3rdparty/include -I./3rdparty/linux/include -L./3rdparty/linux/lib -lfftw3f -lblitz -lGLU -lGL -lX11 -lXext -lXi -ldl -o /USERS/KC300/houdini12.0/dso/SOP_Ocean.so

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblitz

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Link failed

"cannot find -lblitz" what's this file is? and where i can get this guy in my ld?

Can i go ahead to install Blitz++ to fix this?

SORRY for this, i have found out

"2. Compiling programs

All Blitz++ header files are referred to with a prefix of "blitz/".

For example, to use the Array<T,N> class, one needs to include

<blitz/array.h> instead of just <array.h>.

To make this work, the main Blitz++ directory must be in

your include path. For example, if Blitz++ was installed

in /software/Blitz++, you will need to compile with

-I/software/Blitz++ and -L/software/Blitz++/lib -lblitz

To summarize, a typical command line is:

g++ foo.cpp -o foo -I/software/Blitz++ -L/software/Blitz++/lib -lblitz

To avoid the -I and -L options, you can set up symbolic links -- see

INSTALL for details.


Edited by nran
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