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Lightwave .lwo reader SOP


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hey rom , this seems an awesome start ! sincerely .. thanks .

since AD products do not oscillate on the same frequency as my brain and logic does , i really hope to see this idea take a solid form .

so thanks in advance to anyone involved even in trying for it .. =)

{ yep , seems a bit 'strange' to see LW's layout of parameters inside Houdini , but as i said ; this might be a good candidate / reference for 'the_ubershader_material' ( i think ) Houdini needs }


on Houdini 11.0.658 and 12.1.33 it does not working.

on call asset and on load geometry gives a mistakes : ))

hi skazkaPiter ,

accidentally im trying lwo.otl in the same H12.1.33 ( WIN_7x64 ) and im having no problems .


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Here is a more stable version

Turns out it was failing mostly due to vmap names not being compatible with houdini's attribute names

currently the node parms for surface layers are only set up for the color channel, so it will also throw exceptions when trying to set layers in other channels.

Although it should be able to load large files, it is not currently optimized for them.

The initial intention for this was not to just load old lwo files, It was more to use Lightwave Modeler to quickly create elements that could then be subjected to houdini's procedural treatment, providing the best of both paradigms.

For now it is probably also wise to 'cache' as a native houdini .bgeo as the lwo is not reloading, when the scene reloads.


Edited by rom
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Thanks a lot for sharing !! I have written quite a lot of python houdini<->lightwave tools in the last 3 years so maybe I can help you too !! I am trying to move our heavily lightwave based studio more in the direction of houdini for ages .. maybe I can give it a try again :-)

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  • 1 year later...

well you would need a package manager like pip or the simples way is to install the free version of pycharm ( python ide ) point it to the python interpreter of houdini and use its packet manager frontend to install dateutil or any package you like.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, one picture was worth a thousand words :)


I'm not that knowledgeable about Python package management, would it be possible to install the dateutil package so that one would not need to reinstall it every time a new Houdini build is installed? (windows)

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I quickly tried it in H13 yesterday.It does indeed work, although it did error out on some lwo files. I need to do some more testing to figure out what it is it doesn't like.


It is a bit slow with the default settings, but toggling off the debug stuff makes it a lot faster. ( I changed all those defaults to "off", as well as the debug file path )

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't touched this for some time.

I know that it got slower and more buggy on adding some of more advanced surface reading capabilities.

If you have the debug switched on, it should produce a log of the results.

If you guys could, on files that the node fails, upload the log and and the lwo file, I can have a look at is wrong.

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