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Maya fluid looking flame in houdini pyro


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I'm trying to recreate the same look that you get with maya fluid fire.

Very sharp edge, not blurry. but I'm not sure which parameter or ramp to tweak.

I tried to change the Emission Color ramp of the pyro node, tweak the temp diffusion with no good result... any idea, suggestion?


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I've been down the same road. A few things to try.

1. You can try sync sharpening but that will probably give you artifacts, so you may want to go to Blackmann.

2. try uprezzing your fire to create sharpness or use a larger grid. I've been down the same road and uprezzing gave me better results. That said for some reason fluids that come out of houdini always tend to look blurry not only on "hobbyist" tests but also on production work. At least thats what I've noticed.

3. Try PBR instead of Micropolygon as I've seen this also tends to show more detail and look shaper. Be prepared for longer rendering times thought.

Thats about all I can suggest.. as I said I constanly fight the blurrynes in houdini which I dont get in Maya or FumeFX.

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I'm trying to recreate the same look that you get with maya fluid fire.

Very sharp edge, not blurry. but I'm not sure which parameter or ramp to tweak.

I tried to change the Emission Color ramp of the pyro node, tweak the temp diffusion with no good result... any idea, suggestion?

i have one question... if you want a fluid like maya... why you dont do it in maya?

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Hmm is the above image using PBR or Micropolygon? I usually get away with 2x2 or 3x3 pixelsamples for Micropolygon. For PBR I can go up to 6x6 to get rid of the noise but you'll allways have some degree of noise. One thing I noticed was that as your grid size inscreases, you tend to have higher temperature/density values in the volume, so sometimes I have to go back and re-adjust the shader slightly.

Post more tests and keep us updated.

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Hi Glfloat,

thanks for the tips, I still had to do so tweaks to get it to look right, not there yet though.

Now I'm having issues with the simulation not running smoothly. see the image attached. some part of the fluid disappaers..(no frames are missing).

and everything is cached.. misteries..

The previous image was rendered usng micropolys at 6X6 pixel sample. o.1 in my division size.

couple of things I didn't have time to point out.

-the color is done in post, gradient map in photoshop.

-I'm actually using wispy smoke preset for this example.

when I'm satisfied with it I'll post a complete break down and my scene file as well.

I left a second of blank frames at the end to show where the animation end, so you guys can see the problems in the simulation.


I might need to increase the simulation stepping or something...

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sorry for the delayed update, but I got very busy at work and I'm still having trouble with the looping.

not easy to have less than 30 frame of looping animation.

I'll try to be as thorough as I can be with my break down.

As Glfloat said the main thing to get this look is to play with the ramps, but mainly to have the right attribute called by the ramp.

As I said earlier I'm using a wispy smoke preset.

In the autodopnetwork, under the pyro node (smoke object), under the multi tab I set the smoke density field to density and tweak the ramp.

both end are zero, with a peak at 1 close to the right. And the diffuse ramp is same black to black, same with a white peak on the right.

I tweaked the shader (smokelessflames) under fire>density >float.

I also tweaked the create_density_volume to control the look at the bottom of the flame and the randomness.

take a look and let me know what you think.

PS: the cycle idea was given to me by Peter Quint, thanks Peter!



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