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Is it possible to create soft selection weights as attributes?


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I am trying to create point weights similar to Max's soft selection, which look like this:


So similar to Soft Transform SOP, etc. But I want to be able to create these weights for any operation afterwards like for jittering the points, but using the weights as a multiplier, so red is 1, blue is 0, etc.

What's the best way to do this? AttribTransfer?

Happy xmas :)

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Thanks Edward, sorry I should have mentioned it. I need this applied on a set of points/primitives. So in that image the red polygon is the selected polygon. Basically I want to be able to achieve the same effect by specifying a group.

So if it was a line of 10 meters, and I select 1 point and the range was 1 meter, then from that point any point within the 1m radius would receive a weight between 0 and 1. 0 for the end and beyond the radius. Hope that makes sense :)

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You could use the soft transform option "keep viz ub geometry" and map the color to your attribute using an attribute create sop.

As far as I know, the soft transform is very similar to the pt cloud setup, because it uses the distance from selection instead of the neighbours to spread the attribute. I don´t know what you wanna achieve, but this is a fast way to make it work. I used it to control the weight in this project.

And Merry Christmas to you all!

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Thanks guys.

@Ikarus: I need to try it, but I am not sure if linear interpolation would work?

@Fabiano: I haven't tried AttribTransfer but thought it would be heavy.

@gui: Soft Transform is a very good trick. Does exactly what I needed.

Are you saying this is the same as the point cloud approach? I guess if you can get points in a radius and then assign them a 0-1 value based on where they are in this radius, it could work.

Thanks alot again, and merry xmas :)

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