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BulletSOP 2.0 beta_v3 for Win64


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ok, I get it.

A and B stand for the two bullet indexes that collide.

makes sense!

yes, exactly :)

Can you add the output V ?

On btSolver node set ouput to "Full" or you can use btLoader node and "Load properties". Attribute for velocity is call "bt_v", but there is more helpful attrs.

Great work. Looking forward to trying it myself.

Do you know if SESI will implement a multi-threaded bullet like you do, or is this something that's not in the plans for them? Just curious :)

SESI dont use multi-threading because its not so stable and much faster. Even in BulletSOP is not default choice, because its more for geeks. But when bullet phyics library 3.0 will release, I think that everybody will implement it. Of course GPU has memory limit, but you can run OpenCL code on todays CPU too.

Edited by MilanSuk
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here is a real time flip book no cache

u can see the speed real time as well as the whole sequence at the end

(had to cut the movie due to size)

around 1 sec per frame

Dual xeon 6 cores 3.07ghz

48 GB ram

gtx 580 3gb

yep only 12,000 cubes..this is just unbelievable

and from the speed of the sim i could easily be a bit more patient and crank it up a lot more

sure buy for me

realtime and preview.mov

Edited by FR3D
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FRD3: thx :)

I am thinking, that I am very close to release beta_v4, It will be for Linux 64bit(gcc4.4). But there is few other changes which windows users will appreciate too.


- added new algorithm for computing normals according edges


- fixed computing of Volume COG

- fixed computing object convexity(for all types of hull)


- fixed constraint group(s), which didnt work :(

- renamed bt_colmargin attribute to bt_margin(so know we have bt_padding and bt_margin)

- optimized Delete duplicity(for eg: applying on 16K constraints is 20x faster, for more constraints its even faster)

Added new scenes:

- 5_-_examples_SOLVER - zero_padding_for_convex_objs

- building_collapse

- building_collapse_2

I'll try to finish it to weekend, but I can not give you any promises :)

Edited by MilanSuk
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Do you plan to add some kind of mesh convex decomposition? i saw HACD was implemented in bullet 2.79+

I just dream of node where you feed in your poly mesh and get bunch of convex shapes)

I dont like HACD, because its approximate, so If you apply it on two concave object which are close together, Its propably explode when you run simulation.

I have plan to implement special "Volume Hull", which is convex decomposition too, but new convex objects are always inside original object and It will work even for objects which have intersection with other objects. But this takes some time, so It will propably come with some 2.1 version, or something like that :)

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Amazing work Milan, thank you! Tell me please were i can find some info about how to realise "Volume Hull", or some kind of HACD in Houdini?


there is demo in bullet installation (convex decomposition demo - something like that)

As for the theory - there are several papers and official website - just google it.

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