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How to view and render particles as sprites?

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It seems like the option to show particles as sprites in the viewport is removed? I have "Display Sprites" option enabled, and am using a Sprite POP for my particles but neither the viewport nor the render shows any sprites, only points.

In the video I am watching, he has the Sprites option in the "Display Particles As" menu.

Any idea on how to do this in Houdini 12.5?

Thanks :)

EDIT: Turning on the Enable Sprite SHOP option forced the viewport to show sprites, so I think this is a bug. Now the Display Sprites option works. Although the renderer still shows points.

Edited by magneto
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The viewport's "Display Sprites" option will display sprites if a sprite attribute is found, such as spriteshop, spriterot or spritescale. If none of these are found, it uses the visualization chosen by "Display Sprites As". This is the same behaviour as when Sprites were in the "Display Sprites As" menu, except that it's now possible to select the fallback visualization.

Not sure why mantra isn't picking up the spriteshop attribute, it did in the past. I also tried using a shop_materialpath at the SOP level, but that just textures the spheres.

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Thanks a lot Mark, that makes sense. Although when spriteshop attribute is not avaiable, spriterot and spritescale doesn't seem to make a difference on my PC. It's when I turn on Enable Sprite SHOP which creates the spriteshop attribute, the viewport starts to display sprites.

Does it not do the same on your end?

Thanks again.

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  • 7 months later...

Not sure what the issue is. On the Particles Shelf tab


1. Click on Location Particles

2. Click on Sprite Particles


Works in the viewport and render...

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Sure, that sets up the POPSprite with a Sprite Procedural shader. My issue arose when I changed the Sprite Map image, the render wasn't updating. Then when I manually set the Sprite Procedural to the new image it still didn't appear in the render view until I forced a render. It took a couple iterations to sort it out that the Sprite Procedural Color Map wasn't hard linked to the POPSprite Sprite Map when you grab it from the tool shelf. 

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