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houdini cache trouble!

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Hi all! I have a very long simulation (800 frames). During caching there were error occured (twice!), so i I have had to restart houdini... So here is the question: what i have to do to continue my cache from frame where error happened?

At this moment if I set start frame in ROP or Dop I/O from any number of frame bigger than 1, houdini start simulation from scratch :( . If I set simulation start frame from any number bigger than 1 in DOP, Houdini just do nothing! :( Houdini just ignores all calculations and save cache files without any information (files size is 1 kb) :(

Please help! Cache all 800 frames of simulation every time, again and again - it is madness!

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Short answer: You can't continue your caching if it crashes half way through.

Longer answer: It is possible if you are saving your simulation to .sim-files, then you can continue caching from a specific frame even if it crashes. However, if you are using Apprentice I don't think .sim-files are available to you - so you cannot do that.

I think you have to find out why it is crashing. One thing that comes to mind is that you are running out of RAM, are you? In that case you have to - if you are simulating fluids, lower your grid resolution - or if you are simming particles, reduce the amount of particles. Or get more RAM :P. If that isn't the case though, I don't really know.

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