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H12.5 viewport displays geometry that it's NOT SUPPOSED TO!

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I feel H13 is very close to release then :)

In Siggraph SESI showed the H13 sneak peak, but why they don't reveal anything yet to the community?

I think H13 is alpha stage right now.

Edited by Pazuzu
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Guest mantragora

What graphics card is it? Maybe someone with the same setup can test it as well.


Another issue I sometimes have is picking problems in ogl3 mode. You can't select anything in viewport and have to switch to other mode. I know at least one person here on odForce that had the same problem, but I don't know was it ogl3 mode too.


Very often it is when I create node in network view first and then press tylda (~) key in viewport to change selection and it doesn't allow to make any selection. I have to create node from viewport first and select.

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cool - I'm booting up in Windows 7 and upgrading the Nvidea driver to test this.

Does anyone know how Houdni handles running 2 monitors, 1 from an AMD card and 1 from a Nvidia card? does it confuse Houdini or can Houdini use the correct drivers etc

EDIT: is it better to run the beta or release versions of the drivers for AMD and Nvidea?

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Garbled Point Number Display confirmed for GL1 & 2 but not 3 - see attached screengrab

Also get the problem selecting the points after a scatter sop - they are selected but don't show it- no problem in GL 3 though

Edit: 2 x bugs reported to Sesi today; the garbled Display Number Point & no point display selection after scatter node.

Edit2: Bug ID #57064. - no point display after scatter node


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Update to the garbled point number display bug -- the graphics cards are too old and do not support recent GL modes- i.e 3.2. A new slogan should be 'Modern Hardware for Modern Software' ;)

Reading through the old "Houdini OpenGL Poll" thread it appears that all the issues have now been reported and fixes are on their way. Are there any other viewport issues to report in?

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Guest mantragora

Update to the garbled point number display bug -- the graphics cards are too old and do not support recent GL modes- i.e 3.2. A new slogan should be 'Modern Hardware for Modern Software' ;)

But it works on my card in OGL3.2. Just OGl1&2 shows this problem. And I think 3.2 is the most recent mode from those three ;).

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Good question, there is some irony in it, but quite simply Sesi can point to it's supported cards and say this card does not meet the minimum.

I'd personal prefer programming resources are put effort into the latest and greatest and not supporting older hardware, say greater then 3-4 years old. One can always run older versions of the software on old hardware.

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Guest mantragora

I'd personal prefer programming resources are put effort into the latest and greatest and not supporting older hardware, say greater then 3-4 years old. One can always run older versions of the software on old hardware.

Geforce series 8 have full support for OGL3.3 so I don't see any problems. Beside, supporting only latest hardware, in the PC market where you don't upgrade anymore computer each year (or half) like couple years ago would be stupid.

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What exact card do you have? I'm reading that the GF8800 series has support up to GL 2.1. eg:

one of the cards:


GeForce 8800 GTS

GPU Engine Specs

Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec)


Memory Specs

Memory Clock

800 MHz

Memory Interface Width

320 - bit

Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec)

64 GB/sec

Standard Memory Config Per GPU

640MB or 320MB

Feature Support



Supported Technologies



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I would assume it like Apple's GL 3.2 implementation. It has it but it does not support all the functions of the older GL versions, therefore Houdini would have to be extensively rewritten to get those extra features in the Os X version (it's stuck in old land with GL2 and no CL!)

It would be good hear from a developer what is up with GE8 series and OGL 3.2/3

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Guest mantragora

I'm also surprised that we have so many modes. I think one simple mode as a fallback if things do not work as should, and one expanded would be sufficient. I really curious why we can't have viewport so good like the one in Modo for example. Never had any issues with it and they seems to use quite a lot of cool extensions in it.

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