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linux Mint 15 -Houdini License server issues --Solved. Thank you.


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So first off ---I barely know what I am doing with Linux Mint but wanted to try it out and learn . So I have mananged to download Houdini 13 and extract it and run the setup . The terminal then says that --The Houdini environment has been initialized. ----I then have typed houdinifx , and then I see the license server dialog box say connecting to the license server but then I get a error box saying Houdini License Adminstrator ----cannot connect to license server on dadioL (my named one).

So one thought I had was I needed to run the sesinetd.install as well and when I tried in the terminal the terminal imediately closed and I do not know what or if anything occured.

When i tried to look into the server information Everyting is x'd out ---server not running, cannot issuer license to this machine etc .

and so any help would be very appreciated ----and again am a linux newbie so keep that in mind if you think you can help ----Im threading water with all this ... smiles.


Edited by rgelles
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Hi Rich!

I remember having some of those problems the first time I installed 12.5...

Do you have a paid license (starving artist or other)? If so, are you sure you have the correct server name (which is your computer name)?

But my best advice is: contact sesi support at support@sidefx.com and explain them the problem (and send the error message you get out of the network license). They are (usually) very fast and extremely helpful!


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Thanks guys-- and yes I am right now just trying to get the free version up and running. I am sureit is something I may be missing someplace in my process but since linux is very very new for me ---I would not know if it hit me in the head. I will read some of the docs edward provided and see if I cannot get this to work. Smiles.

Edited by rgelles
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substep-- Sorry for delay had no had chance to retry all this again. But -----OK sesinetd is not running in my all processes. So I guess that is something I need to get working as well.........I will poke around a little bit some more here and have to reviews edwards link info as well....

Thanks for trying to help.


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