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Group Not "Connected" Point Clouds Parts


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you can connect points by distance within some radius using attribwrangle and simple pointcloud loop with H13 new functions for geometry creation, you can either slightly alter Connect Adjacent Pieces SOP or just do very simple version (as in the included file)

then just use Connectivity SOP and Partition SOP to get groups of connected point islands and Add SOP to keep just original points

look at the file

Group Not Connected Point Clouds Parts_fix.hipnc

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Thank you guys! Both methods are delicious! :)


A little off topic:


The "Connect points by distance"  made me wonder if it's possible to to use it in order to create a triangulated mesh out  of points like these..


Maybe if using "poly" instead of "polyline" and 3 points instead of 2,  in the "addvertex" function..


If that is possible we clould say bye bye to the 2dtriangulate node which is slow and  after using it you need to unflatten the mesh and delete some of the primitives (via measure sop).....

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well, connect_points_by_distance is just some simple node made of wrangle that I did just to literally connect closest points, it's like a simplification of Connect Adjecent Pieces, which uses wrangle nodes inside as well

and since it connect points by simple lines, polyline will not make closed triangle just double line in this case

and there is nothing preventing lines from crossing each other or creating messy connections which would result in incorrect topology etc.

but anyway you are free to experiment or make your own node that may do something like you want 

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