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Keyframe moving


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Hey guys. 


I've started working on a little toolkit to make life easier for animators but I ran into a bit of an issue. The whole thing is written in Python with Qt iterface.


One of the functions is simply moving keyframes on a timeline. Say I have keyframe on f10, f20 and f30. When I run the function it should shift all of them by given amount. The problem is that I can't figure out how to actually move a keyframe using python.


I collect keyframes from a parameter (that gives me a list of hou.Keyframe objects). Then I assumed I can just iterate through them and set new frame number. This however doesn't actually move the keyframes and if I assing the changed keyframe to it's parameter using hou.Parm.setKeyframe(keyframe) it makes a new key, but leaves the old one there as well.


So the questions is, am I missing something very obvious (I've been do a lot of python scripting for maya before, so maybe I just need to get my 'houdini style thinking cap' on), or am I out of luck? I could just delete the old keyframe once I create the new one, but I can't actually find anywhere in the reference, how to delete a keyframe using python in hou. 


This is simplified version of the code I'm using

import hou

def getKeyedParms(selected, parmList):
    for node in selected:
        parmsTemp = node.parms()
        for parm in parmsTemp:
            parm = parm.getReferencedParm()
            keyframes = parm.keyframes()
            if keyframes:
                parmList[parm] = keyframes
    return parmList

def shiftKeys(parmList, shift):
    with hou.undos.group('Shift Keys'):
        curFrame = hou.frame()
        for parm in parmList:
            for keyframe in parmList[parm]:
                if keyframe.frame() >= curFrame:
                    newTime = keyframe.frame() + shift

selected = hou.selectedNodes()
parmList = {}

parmList = getKeyedParms(selected, parmList)
shiftKeys(parmList, 5)

Any tips appreciated. 


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Hi Milan,
I'm not sure if it's best workflow but I solved this by deleting all keyframes with parm.deleteAllKeyframes() and then rebuilding them.
This is my add inbetween keyframe script that shifts keyframes right or left from current timeslider position.

## add inbetween
## Petr Zloty 2014

import hou

# get all keyframes on all selected nodes
def getKeyframes(oNodes):
    keyframes = {}
    for oNode in oNodes:
        oParms = oNode.parms()
        for oParm in oParms:
             if oParm.keyframes() != ():    #if keyframe exists
                keyframes[oParm] = oParm.keyframes()
    return keyframes

#keyframes = hou.playbar.selectedKeyframes()
#recompute new keys
def inbetween(keyframes, offset):
    for parm in keyframes.keys():
        for key in keyframes[parm]:
            if hou.frame() <= key.frame():  #apply only to keys right from time cursor

        parm.deleteAllKeyframes()   #delete old keys

    #save new keys
    for parm in keyframes.keys():
        for key in keyframes[parm]:
    return True

oNodes = hou.selectedNodes()
keyframes = getKeyframes(oNodes)
inbetween(keyframes, 1) #add inbetween
#inbetween(keyframes, -1) #remove inbetween
Edited by pezetko
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Yeah I had that as a backup option if I find that it's actually impossible to move them. Not that it's a problem deleting all keys and assigning them again. It just seem really strange that we can't actually offset them. Again maybe it's just my old maya head talking.


btw: looking at your code, it's very similar to my snippet, however I have a feeling that yours won't work on locked assets (e.g. most of the rigs) when your selection is controllers with published parameters. I had to use Parm.getReferencedParm() to get around that. ;)

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until Hou.Parm.stretch() and hou.Parm.stretchSubrange() get implemented, you can use their Hscript command counterpart



so your shiftKeys() may look like this:

def shiftKeys(parmList, shift):
    with hou.undos.group('Shift Keys'):
        for parm in parmList:
            fRangeStart = hou.frame()
            fRangeEnd = parmList[parm][-1].frame()
            hou.hscript( "chkeymv -r %s %s %s %s %s" %(parm.path(), fRangeStart, fRangeEnd, fRangeStart + shift, fRangeEnd + shift) )

you can even use chkeymv to stretch the range or reverse, also have look at other ch* commands as they may already do stuff you want to implement 

like chls for getting animated channels, etc

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That should do the trick. There are some other things I was looking for in ch* commands. I'll just need to give them a bit of icing to make them easy to use for animators. 



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