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all geometry suddenly appear transparent in the viewport?!


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Hello everyone,


I have an incredibly annoying problem in a scene of mine. I have been working on a scene, expanding a bit on a cmivfx tutorial. Suddenly, in the latest version of my scene all geometry seems to be transparent in the viewport. Everything was working fine in the previous version numbers, and I cannot see what I could have changed for this problem to occur. I've been working with an obj model of mine, but also when I create native geometry the problem is the same.

It is a viewport issue only I think, because if I render the scene everything seems fine. That is, I then see the geometry as it should correctly display. Also, when I just open an empty scene geometries display correctly.


Does anyone have any genereal idea as to what can cause this? Unfortunately I cannot share the assets and cache files...

Is there some kind of bug I should know about?







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Hello Illusionist,


thanks for the tip, but when I look in the cache manager I can see that the cache is much smaller than the max size, so that does not help. Good to know where to find the manager though. Had been looking for the place where I can manually delete the caches I need to :-) 


Any other possibilities to solve my problem?





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Which version are you using on which platform? There was an issue with CopySop on OsX about a year ago where objects would be come ghosted. Haven't seen that in the latest versions.

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I updated my drivers to 344.11 yesterday and I'm also having some issues. Might be just me but deselecting the geometry in the network view (so that it's not highlighted) fixes it. 


http://i.imgur.com/ppoly8q.jpg - deselected in smooth shaded mode

http://i.imgur.com/OrmlR1I.jpg - selected in smooth shaded mode

http://i.imgur.com/ODcSdra.jpg - selected in wireframe mode

Edited by Georgie
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You can try setting the environment variable HOUDINI_OGL_DUMP_SHADER_ERRORS to 1 to see if some shaders are failing to compile. A failed shader will not draw anything when draw calls are issued with it active.


Nvidia (and AMD, Intel) provide the GLSL compiler, so it's possible that results can change over time. It's also not unheard of to see compiler bugs sneak in.

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Thanks Mark, I just did it and got this error as soon as I placed a carve node after a Grid node:

  1:  #version 150
  1:  #line 1
  3:  layout(lines_adjacency) in;
  4:  layout(line_strip, max_vertices = 2) out;
  6:  in vec4  lcolor[];
  7:  in float lselected[];
  9:  out vec4 color;
 10:  out float selected;
 12:  uniform int	       glH_SelectMode;
 14:  int  HOUprimitiveInfo(out ivec3 vertex);
 15:  bool HOUprimSelection();
 17:  void main()
 18:  {
 19:      bool select;
 20:      ivec3 vertex;
 21:      bool prim_selected;
 23:      prim_selected = HOUprimSelection();
 25:      color = lcolor[1];
 26:      selected = prim_selected ? 1.0 : lselected[1];
 27:      gl_Position = gl_in[1].gl_Position;
 28:      gl_ClipDistance[0] = gl_in[0].gl_ClipDistance[0];
 29:      gl_ClipDistance[1] = gl_in[0].gl_ClipDistance[1];
 30:      EmitVertex();
 32:      color = lcolor[2];
 33:      selected = prim_selected ? 1.0 : lselected[2];
 34:      gl_Position = gl_in[2].gl_Position;
 35:      gl_ClipDistance[0] = gl_in[1].gl_ClipDistance[0];
 36:      gl_ClipDistance[1] = gl_in[1].gl_ClipDistance[1];
 37:      EmitVertex();
 39:      EndPrimitive();
 40:  }
Geometry shader compile[beauty_line_wire.geom]:
0(28) : error C7531: global variable gl_ClipDistance requires "#extension GL_ARB_compatibility : enable" before use
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Heh, just a sensible bang/buck machine for game dev, nothing to write home about :)


I had some UI problems with other software as well, switched between a few driver versions, and now I really can't remember what problems I had with which.. But the newest were not kosher with Houdini, that I remember.

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